👋   Hi, I'm Mike Herchel, and I use Drupal, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies to kick various asses throughout cyberspace.

By mherchel, 10 January, 2018

Gatsby is a ReactJS based static site generator. This means that the build process will automatically generate all files that are sent to the end-user's computer. You don't need to do server-side processing.

By mherchel, 31 December, 2017

In the "micro sense" of the my life, 2017 has been really great to me.

By mherchel, 9 June, 2015

I had a new front-end developer reach out to me asking for a critique of their website, résumé, and Github account. I ended up going to town on my critique and advice, and I believe what follows is useful for many individuals who are looking at getting into the web development industry.

Hey <name redacted>,

The first thing I want to say is that this is pretty amazing work for just 9 months of experience. Honestly, you’re kicking some serious ass.